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99.27% of the project's source code conforms to the same coding conventions

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Analysis of Coding Conventions for React.event-loop

PHP_CodeSniffer, using a custom coding standard and report, was used to record various coding conventions across 197 PHP projects.


Analysis of Coding Conventions for React.event-loop

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Function has doc comment

Does each function have a docblock comment to describe its purpose?

Key Method Use
no - Most popular method no 74.11%
yes yes 25.89%

Based on 112 functions

  • 01 Dec 2017: there was a 53.91% swing from yes to no

Spacing after cast statement

How many spaces are there between a cast statement and the variable?

Key Method Use
0 0 17.24%
1 - Most popular method 1 82.76%

Based on 29 cast statements

  • 01 Jan 2018: there was a 4% swing from 1 to 0
  • 01 May 2018: there was a 13.24% swing from 1 to 0

Class has doc comment

Does each class have a docblock comment to describe its purpose?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
no no 16.67%
yes - Most popular method yes 83.33%

Based on 12 classes

  • 01 Mar 2017: there was a 3.64% swing from no to yes
  • 01 May 2017: there was a 20% swing from no to yes
  • 01 Aug 2017: there was a 10% swing from no to yes
  • 01 Dec 2017: there was a 11.82% swing from no to yes

Adjacent assignments aligned

For a block of assignments, are the assignment operators (equals, plus-equals etc.) aligned?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
no - Most popular method no 93.75%
yes yes 6.25%

Based on 32 assignment blocks

  • 01 May 2017: there was a 4.76% swing from no to yes
  • 01 Dec 2017: there was a 10.77% swing from no to yes
  • 01 Jan 2018: there was a 8.55% swing from yes to no
  • 01 Mar 2018: there was a 14.81% swing from yes to no

Line length

Including whitespace and comments, how many characters are in non-empty code lines?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
80 or less - Most popular method 80 or less 95.86%
81-120 81-120 3.91%
121-150 121-150 0.22%

Based on 1,789 lines


Spacing before object operator

How many spaces precede the object operator (->)?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
0 - Most popular method 0 100%

Based on 481 object operators


Short array syntax used

Are arrays defined using the PHP 5.4+ short array syntax?

Key Method Use
no - Most popular method no 100%
yes yes 0%

Based on 29 array definitions

  • 01 Mar 2018: there was a 100% swing from yes to no
  • 01 May 2018: there was a 10.34% swing from no to yes
  • 01 Jun 2018: there was a 10.34% swing from yes to no

Space before operator

How many spaces precede comparison, arithmetic and assignment operators?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
1 - Most popular method 1 100%

Based on 42 operators


PHP constant case

What case are PHP constants (true, false, null) written in?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
lower - Most popular method lower 100%

Based on 41 PHP constants


Blank lines at start of control structure

How many blank lines precede the body of a control structure?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
0 - Most popular method 0 100%

Based on 99 control structures


Spaces after control structure open parenthesis

How many spaces follow the opening parenthesis of a control structure?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
0 - Most popular method 0 100%

Based on 95 control structures


PHP keyword case

What case are PHP keywords (function, echo, foreach etc.) written in?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
lower - Most popular method lower 100%

Based on 692 keywords


PHP closing tag at EOF

Is there a PHP closing tag at the end of the file?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
no - Most popular method no 100%

Based on 12 files


File extension for class files

For files that contain classes, what extension does the file use?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
.php - Most popular method .php 100%

Based on 12 class files


Number of newlines at EOF

How many newline characters appear at the end of the file?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
1 - Most popular method 1 100%

Based on 12 files


Declarations and side effects mixed

Do files both declare symbols (classes, functions, constants, etc.) and cause side-effects (e.g. generate output, change .ini settings, etc.)?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
no - Most popular method no 100%

Based on 12 files


File has doc comment

Does each PHP file have a docblock comment to describe its purpose?

Key Method Use
no - Most popular method no 100%

Based on 12 files


Line indent

Are lines indented using spaces or tabs?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
spaces - Most popular method spaces 100%

Based on 1,565 indented lines


PHP short open tag used

Is the PHP short open tag syntax used?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
no - Most popular method no 100%

Based on 12 open tags


Multiple statements on same line

Are multiple statements defined on the same line of code?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
no - Most popular method no 100%

Based on 497 statements


Control structure defined inline

Are control structures defined inline (without braces)?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
no - Most popular method no 100%

Based on 99 control structures


Class opening brace placement

Is the opening brace of a class on the same line as the class keyword or the next line?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
new line - Most popular method new line 100%

Based on 12 classes


Spaces before control structure close parenthesis

How many spaces precede the closing parenthesis of a control structure?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
0 - Most popular method 0 100%

Based on 95 control structures


One class per file

Is each class defined in a file by itself?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
yes - Most popular method yes 100%

Based on 12 classes


Blank lines at end of control structure

How many blank lines follow the body of a control structure?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
0 - Most popular method 0 100%

Based on 99 control structures


Class defined in namespace

Is each class defined in a namespace of at least 1 level?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
yes - Most popular method yes 100%

Based on 12 classes



Are elseif statements defined using elseif or else if?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
elseif - Most popular method elseif 100%

Based on 9 elseif statements


PascalCase class name

Are class names defined using PascalCase?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
yes - Most popular method yes 100%

Based on 12 classes


Space after operator

How many spaces follow comparison, arithmetic and assignment operators?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
1 - Most popular method 1 100%

Based on 245 operators


Function opening brace placement

Is the opening brace of a function on the same line as the function keyword or the next line?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
new line - Most popular method new line 100%

Based on 97 functions


Array keyword case

When defining an array, how is the array keyword written?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
lower - Most popular method lower 100%

Based on 29 array definitions


PHP type case

What case are PHP types (int, bool, string) written in?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
lower - Most popular method lower 100%

Based on 30 PHP types


Spacing after object operator

How many spaces follow the object operator (->)?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
0 - Most popular method 0 100%

Based on 481 object operators


Closure opening brace placement

Is the opening brace of a closure on the same line as the function keyword or the next line?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
same line - Most popular method same line 100%

Based on 13 closures


CamelCase method name

Are class method names defined using CamelCase?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
yes - Most popular method yes 100%

Based on 104 methods


Lowercase filename

Are PHP filenames lowercase?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
no - Most popular method no 100%

Based on 12 files


Private method prefixed with underscore

Are private methods prefixed with an underscore?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
no - Most popular method no 100%

Based on 9 private methods


Inline comment style

What comment style is used for non docblock comments?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
/* ... */ /* ... */ 0%
// ... - Most popular method // ... 100%

Based on 26 inline comments

  • 01 May 2017: there was a 7.14% swing from // ... to /* ... */
  • 01 Dec 2017: there was a 3.22% swing from /* ... */ to // ...
  • 01 Jan 2018: there was a 3.45% swing from /* ... */ to // ...

Constant name case

What case are user-defined constants defined in?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
upper - Most popular method upper 100%

Based on 3 constants


EOL char

What character is used for line breaks?

This project is using the popular method for this convention

Key Method Use
\n - Most popular method \n 100%

Based on 12 files
